Friday, August 7, 2009

Clearing things up

Okay people out in cyberspace, let me make a few things clear to you if you don't understand them right now. First of all, yes I was a bit frustrated with our community at times, but I think we do have a few things going for us. Like everyone else, I am human and I don't always get everything right all the time (contrary to popular belief). One of my flaws, that I am currently working on, is not being so quick to point out the bad in things and being able to see the good. Some days it is easier than others. So now you know. Also, please don't think this is how we get our issues out in this house, through this blog. Dan, Josh, Jeremy and I all had a great conversation last night over dinner. We do in fact have civil conversations to sort our issues/questions out and we are adults (most of the time) and handle it in a civil way.

Hope you all have a great day.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My thoughts (Dan)

I think that our house had a good community. It was a little divided, but I don't think that is inherently a bad thing. What I think we all have to remember is that we as individuals are different and are looking for different things to help us grow as Christians. While we didn't do some things that I wish we would have (things like a more scheduled bible study, etc.) I feel that we as a house were led by the Holy Spirit, and therefore are where we need to be as a house.

Going into this internship, I didn't know what to expect. This was my first step out of my parents house, and my first step into my lifelong ministry. I think that not having any serious expectations has helped me see the growth and the change that has happened in all of my housemates.

All of my housemates have their own reasons for being a part of this summer internship. I respect and admire each one of those reasons. The reasons range from aspirations of ordained ministry to the need for a summer job. I believe that we have been brought together to teach each-other and to be taught. I have learned a lot from my friends this summer and I expect to be continually taught by the people in my life.

I cannot say that living in this house has been without its bumps, but I can say that it has been very beneficial. First, I have been able to meet 5 amazing people, and start relationships with them as well. Second, This experience has taught me to be accepting of people where they are and not where I think they should be.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thoughts on community and Slam Poetry

The YLI interns had their ministry day with Jeff Nelson on Friday. We went over to his church, Redford Aldersgate United Methodist Church, and had a bit of a silent retreat. It was great to hear Jeff's heart a bit, but I'll get to that later. During this silent retreat, we went off for 20 minutes at a time, and really just let the Lord speak to us. He spoke to me about the summer, and how I want to take action on certain things when I go back to CMU. The Lord has taught me so much about loving others, whether they are so called lepers, the untouchables. I've learned to really reach out and love them for who they are. Hear their story, see their hearts and really just let God show Himself through the people I have come into contact with this summer. I know I am so much more of a patient person, but I also realize how important community is.

I'm not going to lie. Our house really did not have a great community. But it was because people didn't try. There was a sense of contentment, and it was more than frustrating at times. It really put things into perspective for me though; I was able to see how physical and spiritual contentment can hold people back from progressing any. I don't regret anything that happened this summer, truly. I don't regret anything that I learn from. But I do wish there were things we as a house did differently. Like pray more as a group. Besides dinner. And have a servant's heart as a group. But that all comes with personal commitment I think. I know I've said it a lot, but intentional community is so much different than community itself. Community I think just happens, but intentional community is just what it states. When intentions are present. And so, to the future YLI interns: I cannot stress enough how important being intentional is in an intentional community. Don't just view this summer program as a summer job, but rather view it as a learning experience. It is intended as a way for the Body of Christ to work together with one another, learn how we can serve as a unit and live with God's guidance. But none of this can happen unless 1. First and foremost, you let God be present in the house at all times (accept nothing less!), and 2. Only apply for this if you WANT to be there. Trust me when I say it will make living in the house with 5 other people so much less frustrating.

Oh boy, that was a bit of a tangent, but I think it is truthful. And not truth as in honest, but truth as in what Jesus would line up with.

In other news, Jeff invited us to 1515 Broadway, a place downtown where he does Slam Poetry with Echoverse. It was a really cool experience. I heard one of his poems a few weeks ago at Central UMC in downtown Detroit, but the stuff he shared Friday night was intense. He shared a very touching piece about his mother. As he was reading, I placed myself in the poem and was truly taken back at how beautiful this man could put a simple situation into the most ravishing words ever. By the end, I found myself crying as if this woman he wrote about was my best friend; even though I have never met his mother before.

When I originally got there, I saw my pastor from Brighton First United Methodist Church, which is my home church, along with another couple I knew. It was really great to fellowship with some people from home and update them on what God is doing in my life.

Well, thats all I have for my update today. Expect a big week coming up. Tuesday is primary elections in Detroit, and the church I work at is where a voting booth is. So we have to relocate 30 kids all day. Expect stories... or cries for help!

Until then....

The Body of Christ

Greetings all! So It's Saturday night, and I couldn't think of anything better to do than update you all. Great things have happened to me in the past week or so, and here's why:

So all summer I have been in an online advanced composition course, as part of finishing up my coursework at CMU before I student teach. The course wasn't that difficult at all; in fact I sort of enjoyed it. For our last few units, we've been dealing with arguments and proving points and not making generalizations in your statements. As our final assignment, I was told to write a paper on anything I wanted. It had to be something of deep conviction/concern to me, and had to be at least 1000 words long. Not too bad at all. As I was thinking of something to write about, I remembered reading in Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne, and knew that really living out your faith, as well as reaching out and helping others is something I really want to grab a hold of. And thus, I wrote a paper on the Body of Christ. I made a lot of references from 1 Corinthians 12, talked about the early New Testament church in Acts 2, and also mentioned a few other things. Needless to say, I knew I was taking a bit of a risk by writing a paper saying we should follow Jesus, and not the church. So I got my paper back last night and this is what my professor had to say about it:
Jessica, Just when I thought I couldn't read another paper --I'm tired of enviromentalism, immigration--then I get your paper! What a wonderful read! This is a really great paper. Just think: if we all followed the teachings of our faith, ANY faith, we would have such a better world. All faiths teach helping the needy and being an active positve part of the community. If only people would really practice their religion! At least you have thought about it, so you are aware, and probably doing your best. Thanks for a great paper!
HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?! I received a great compliment from her, ANNNNND she gave me a 100% on my paper. I'm really really glad that I wrote that paper. I feel I had a lot of self realization through it, and I was able to speak out about an issue that is definitely critical to our society. Plus, that 100% was a great grade to receive as my last assignment in my undergrad!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Grand Tour.... finally

Okay I officially have the video tour of the Sonseed Estate on Wildemere!

Update:Actually, some people apparently didn't want the video online. I apologize if I offended anyone. I should have asked before I posted it, and wish that you would only give me grace because I am a human being.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Photo and brief job bios

So it just occurred to me that this is two months into the program, and you still have no idea who each of us are. So here is a picture of us....

From left to right, your interns are: Cari, Jessy (me!), Erin, Josh, Dan, and finally Jeremy in front.

Cari is a sophomore at Albion college from Clarkston, MI. She is working at St. Timothy's UMC with the Outpost teaching Spanish. She also works with the Brightmoor Community Center doing a sidewalk Sunday school program for kids.

Jessy (yours truly) is a nearly graduated super senior at Central Michigan University, originally from Brighton, MI. I'm doing my student teaching in the fall, and graduate in December. I am also working at the Outpost at St. Tim's along with Cari.

Erin is a junior at Eastern Michigan University from Canton, MI. She currently works for the Mercy Education project through University of Detroit Mercy.

Josh is a senior at Wayne State University, also from Canton, MI. He is working at the Joy-Southfield clinic this summer, as well as helping out with the Motown Mission Experience.

Dan, a Washtenaw Community College student from Brighton, MI also has two placements this summer. He works with the NOAH project out of Central United Methodist Church, which gives lunches out to homeless people, and also works with Josh and the Motown Mission.

Lastly, Jeremy is a junior at Western Illinois University. He currently lives in Macomb, IL, and works at the Outpost with Cari and myself.

So there you have it....these are your 2009 Transforming Leaders interns. We really cannot thank you enough how much you constantly send prayers our way. We love you all and cannot wait to meet up with you again once our summer comes to a close!

Art and cleaning!

The house is clean and the world is at peace. Hahaha!

But really, we had our Kingdom Assignment party this weekend, where we invited all Mission Interns and Young Leaders Initiative interns to our house to share stories of what we have done this summer and how we saw God move. The first thing that happened when I found out up to 25 people could show up, was a minor panic attack in my head. I immediately thought of all the dishes we had to do, the laundry that was neglected for far too long, and the rooms that needed to be taken care of. So on Friday and Saturday afternoon, all of the Transforming Leaders interns cleaned out our summer abode and prepared for everyone to come. It was definitely a bit hectic in the mere minutes before people arrived, but we pulled it together and the house looked quite presentable.

If anyone has ever told you that a clean home is a happy home, they weren't lying. Now that everything is picked up around the house, I have so much less stress in my life!

Overall, the party went rather well. We were able to see some great friends that we met back in May, and catch up on how things were going in our life.

Before the party, erin and Josh and I went down to Redford to their iArt, and interactive art festival they were having. I grew up in Redford when I was younger, so one of my neighborhood friends was actually in charge of it and invited me to com. They had tents with different vendors, performing groups, and different workshops for everyone. It was really a great time. One thing that we participated in was a didgeridoo workshop. For those of you that don't know what that is, its an instrument made by the ancient Aboriginees. You hear it played a lot in the Survivor theme song, Crocodile Dundee, etc. In the workshop, we learned to make one, and then received free lessons. It was great, and I think I got a really great start on the playing technique. Josh and I have been practicing a lot, so I think some of the roommates are getting a bit annoyed. I'm working on how to circular breathe, which is a bit of an advanced technique, but its coming along rather well. I'll make sure to keep you updated on all my didgeridoo adventures.

Thats all for now. Tomorrow two of my classes are starting to learn about symmetrical shapes, and then eventually making tessellations. Should be a fun week at the Outpost!